Monday, August 31, 2009

as good a start as any...

So here it goes! I don't know whether to shout it from the rooftops "I'm blogging!!!" or keep it on the down-low. You be the judge after this first post. This crazy blog idea started the other night when I was at my monthly book group meeting and many a book was mentioned. I found myself repeating the phrase "I've read that," over and over again. "What books haven't you read?" was one question thrown my way, another was,"how do you ever have time to read that much?" Very good questions indeed. The long and short of it is that I have a serious problem! I read whenever I get a spare moment, which is not often these days, and it can get a little dicey sometimes. I've been know to read into the wee hours of the morning and I don't mind reading on the loo (who hasn't?) or in the In-N-Out Burger drive thru (while being honked at repeatedly). I come from a long line of voracious readers and I have a feeling that somehow, someway there's a gene that's been passed on to me. AND because of this "gene," I can't help my reading addiction. I'm a lost cause. So this leads me back to the night I decided I might just do this blog thingy. My friend mentioned the phrase "the feral reader," which basically means "the wild, crazy reader who inherited a "gene" which causes her to devour books like food (and P.S. she can't help it)." Kitty, a dear friend who has great taste in books, declared that I, Robynn Walter, am The Feral Reader. And, AND that I should start a blog about books! So, if you don't like this blog, or any of the books, or me for that matter, you should take it up with Kitty! It's all her fault. The basic gist of this blog is to tell you what I've read and why I like it. It would be super duper if you would share something that you've read and loved with me too! It's that simple. You can also read what i've read and share your comments here (no pressure though)! I look forward to the sharing (and devouring) of many wonderful books! Happy reading!