Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A breath of fresh air

Sometimes it gets really hot where I live. Africa hot. The kind of hot that melts people (get my drift?). Until the sun goes down and the Delta breeze starts cooling everything off. That's when I like to open up the windows and let the sweet air flow. This, my friends, is how it feels to read one of Shannon Hales' wonderful novels! My sister, Kristin, told me about her and how I just "HAD to read The Goose Girl ." She'd picked it up one day and couldn't put it down (DITTO). Shannon mostly writes for children and young adults, but don't let that dissuade you. Her books are quite simply a dream read for any girl, regardless of age. I say "girl" because we're talking princesses and romance and marriage and happily ever afters. However, if you're a dude and you like that sort of thing, more power to ya! Goose Girl is a modern day, dressed-up Grimms Brother tale of the same name. It is also the first novel in the Books of Bayern series. The story is centered around a princess named Ani, who has special powers that are not appreciated by her mother, the Queen, or anyone else really. She's an oddity, but a likable one. Her mother sends her off to be married to a prince from another kingdom, yet along the way she is overthrown and her identity is stolen by her lady-in-waiting. Ani must take matters into her own hands as she finds herself totally alone in an unfamiliar land. Luckily she lands a gig as the keeper of the Royal Flock, hence the title "Goose Girl." I just love the way Shannon writes, lulling me with her poetic prose. It's obvious from her novels that she appreciates tough chicks who are at one with nature. Most of her heroines kick some serious butt whilst camping-out for long periods of time. She has an awesome imagination that literally oozes from every page! Goose Girl was my favorite of the three Bayern books, but I also heartily enjoyed Enna Burning and River Secrets (both based on characters you'll meet in Goose Girl). Shannon was awarded the Newbery for her novel Princess Academy, another super-fun read for young girls. I recommended it to my eleven year old daughter and she just couldn't get into it. I honestly loved it, was horrified when she wouldn't read it, and almost disowned her right then and there! We're now on better terms since she's read The Series of Unfortunate Events novels and gave them a thumbs up (but seriously, what mother wouldn't worry?). Book of a Thousand Days is also another "how does this woman do it!?" kind of read that just boggles the mind. Her imagination knows no bounds, people! I took a peek at Amazon and noticed that she has a couple of new books out that I have not read, o happy day! Recently she has delved into a little contemporary adult fiction, giving us Austenland, an ode to all things Jane Austen (I think I already mentioned that I love this one) and The Actor and The Housewife (has anyone read this???). All I know is that no matter what genre, Shannon Hales' books, like her many female characters, kick some serious booty!


  1. I havent't read any of her books, but i guess i best lest you end our friendship! But first i have to put down Shadow of the Wind (which you loaned to me). Thanks for all the additional time sucking outlets in my life!!

  2. We all loved Princess Academy, but I guess I never bothered to check if she had written anything else. We'll look for those now.

  3. Other fairy-tale type family favorites--anything by Natalie Babbitt, the princess tales by Gail Carson Levine, and Count Karlstein, by Philip Pullman

  4. Goose Girl is a GREAT book; it's the one that started it all, you know. But the one that stayed with me most was Book of a Thousand Days. Shannon Hale's female characters, especially, show a lot of personal growth in the course of a read as they face their uphill battles, usually of life and death. Hers are all good books for escaping the real world.

  5. Well said, Tami! Thanks for the recommendations Steph, when I'm in the mood for a good fairy-tale I'll definately come back to this post and get my read on!
